Toi Kuranga
Te Kura o Ngāti Whātua ki Tāmaki
Te Kura o Ngāti Whātua ki Tāmaki (kura) is guided by the mission ‘Mai I te pito ki te mata’ to be ancestrally driven and future focussed. This kura will be a unique pathway for tamariki underpinned by Ngāti Whātua identity, philosophy, worldview and experience. The culture and environment of our Kura will stimulate and enable our tamariki to develop and thrive through academic excellence, exploration of the arts, and the promotion of sporting endeavour and achievement. Ancestral knowledge transmission across generations, through te reo Māori, wānanga, tūākana teina, and an immutable daily relationship to our taiao including our urban setting, are essential cornerstones of our curriculum.
Over the coming year, phase two will need to be completed and submitted to the Ministry of Education. This is the equivalent of a business case and will be co-designed with the Ministry of Education. We are planning for 400 – 500 tamariki in primary, and 300 – 400 in secondary with a planned start date of 2025. We would begin with primary with a roll of maximum 100 and build from there.
Watch this space for more info!
He pae tawhiti - Vision
Hei pikau i ngā wawata - To carry the dreams and aspirations
This whakatauki refers to our kura as a vessel that carries the dreams and aspirations of our people. It is a place of immense pride and a source of inspiration. Furthermore, our children are vessels imbued with the traditions and tikanga of our ancestors, alongside the matauranga and teachings of the world they live in.
He pae tata - Mission
Mai te pito kite mata - Ancestrally driven, future focused
From our place of conception in the womb, connected, and nurtured within the whare tangata; to who we are now, the physical faces; reflections and manifestations of our tupuna. This is our pathway forward into the future where our unlimited potential is revealed.
Te Kura o Ngāti Whātua ki Tamaki Principles
Maunganui ki Tāmaki
E whakahihi ana ki tā tātou Ngāti Whātuatanga e tapatahi ana ki te pitomata mutunga kore o ngã whanau me ngà hapu o te iwi. We are proudly Ngāti Whātua and committed to realising the unlimited potential of our whanau and hapū.
Tōku reo, tōku ohooho
Tōku reo, tōku ohooho: He taonga nui whakaharahara tō tatou reo, koia te reo matua,koia te korero o tō tatou kura. Koia nahenahe te huarahi kite höhonutanga me te whānuitanga o to tātou ahurea, māna ka hua, māna ka pakari tā tātou māhio ki o tātou pūtake me ngā matauranga tuku iho. My language, my treasure; Our language is a treasure and is the primary language of instruction and conversation at our kura. It is the only path that provides a portal to the richness and depth of our culture and allows for the regeneration and strengthening of our shared identity and knowledge.
Ko te tamaiti te pūtake
Ko ā tātou tamariki mokopuna he hihiri, he hihiko ki te whai i te
tino o te ako, e puâwai ai ngà taketake o pitomata. Student-Centred learning: Our tamariki and mokopuna are eager and motivated to
pursue best-fit learning opportunities that realise their unlimited potential.
Te hiranga o te Mātauranga me te hākinakina
Ko te ahurea o te whānau e whakatau ana, e āki ana, ē, ko
Teitei, ko Hihiri ngā huarahi kite hiranga o te Matauranga me te
Hākinakina. Academic and Sporting excellence: Our whānau culture acknowledges and encourages endeavour and motivation as key pathways to individual and collective academic and sporting
Kia hono kite taiao
He mea tino nui rawa atu kia tupu tahi ā tātou tamariki
mokopuna ki ngā akinga o taiao hei whakatupu, hei whakakaha i
te tuakiri, te ahurea me te mātauranga. Environmental connections: It is critical our tamariki and mokopuna develop a day-to-day connection to their taiao to regenerate and strengthen our shared identity, culture and
He tangata ao whānui
He mea tino nui rawa atu kia tupu tahi ā tatou tamariki mokopuna ki ngā akinga o taiao hei whakatupu, hei whakakaha i te tuakiri, te ahurea me te mātauranga. E titi kaha ana ki ngā tauira te tino o o tâtou uara, te hohonutanga o ngā korero tuku iho, te aroha mutunga kore ki
te kainga, te maia kite rapurapu, te ihi ki te whakaaweawe, te toa ki te arahi I waenganui i ngā hapori o te ao. Global citizenship: Our tauira possess the richness of our values and narratives, the passion to contribute and maintain connections at home, and the confidence to explore, influence and lead within our global communities.
Ko te Whakangahau, ko te Pöhewa ko te Auaha
Ko te Whakangahau, ko te Pōhewa ko te Auaha: He mea nui e tupu ai te maia o te tamaiti ki te hono ki ētahi atu me tō rātou taiao. Fun, Imagination and Creativity: Are paramount to building and instilling confidence in the tamaiti and their connections to others and their environment.
Special character statement:
Te Kura o Ngāti Whātua ki Tāmaki (working title) is ancestrally driven and future focussed. We will provide a unique education pathway for our tamariki underpinned by a Ngāti Whātua identity, philosophy, worldview, and experience. The culture and environment of our Kura will stimulate and enable our tamariki to develop and thrive through academic excellence, exploration of the arts, and the promotion of sporting endeavour and achievement. Ancestral knowledge transmission across generations, through te reo Māori, wananga, tuakana teina, and an immutable daily relationship to our taiao including our urban setting, are essential cornerstones of our curriculum.