Pourewa Reserve
Ka rewa te pou, ka rewa te kōrero – Elevate the post, elevate our kōreroJump to section
Pourewa takes its name from a raised sentry platform or pūwhara, which was once situated in the vicinity. In former times, toa/tūtei stood guard and protected the palisades and village from this elevated position. During the night, they would call tribal chants called whakaaraara, warning any would-be assailants that the village was alert to their presence.
This area was dense with pā sites, particularly around Ōrākei basin and out toward the Waitematā. Maungarāhiri stood on the opposite side of the basin and Ōrākei pā at current-day Ōrākei Bay and of Tinana was near the site currently occupied by Saint Kentigen Prep School.
Pourewa sits on a prominent east-to-west ridge that is shared with Kepa Road stretching around to Onepū Whakatakataka and the Waitaramoa catchment, with a gentle and long sloping face on the southern side dropping down to Pūrewa Creek.
Previously part of the Meadowbank Pony Club the recreation area of 34 hectares (Kepa bush to Ngāpipi bridge) was returned to NWŌ as part of the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Claims Settlement Act (2012) and vested in the Ngāti Whātua Orākei Reserves Board made up of Auckland Council and Ngāti Whātua Orākei representatives who manage on behalf of Tāmaki.
Today, all aspects of the Pourewa cultural and production centre is guided by the whakatauki “Ka rewa te pou, ka rewa te kōrero”- Elevate the post, elevate our kōrero.
This kōrero consolidates the multiple Taiao initiatives on the site purposefully elevating Ngāti Whātua Orākei’s environmental aspirations and projects and sharing them with the world. The design and developments have been guided by the Ōrākei Visual Framework which has been consolidated along with other strategic frameworks into Kākāhuri te Whenua, kākāhuria te moana the Ōrākei Combined management plan.
From our native nursery, Māra kai, apiary, Rongoā study and living laboratory Pourewa welcomes all visitors to come and learn about the Taiao and Ngāti Whātua Orākei - nau mai, haramai!.
Pourewa Māra Kai
Pourewa is a community vegetable garden – a māra kai – a revegetation nursery for the whānau of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei.
The māra kai was completed in June 2020 to a design that incorporated the mauri, wairua, tikanga and whakapapa of the land with a traditional sustainable horticultural and agricultural practice. No artificial fertilisers or weed killers are used. Composting is at the heart of the operation.
The aim is to preserve traditional practices to encourage food sovereignty - knowing where food comes from and how it is grown.
All the food is distributed for free to whānau, our local commmunity and the City Mission.

Keep an eye on our Pukamata/Facebook page for regular updates on our weekly Pourewa Māra Kai Distribution.
Pick-up Pourewa Reserve (entrance closest to Z Petrol Station).
Pourewa Nursery
'Ka tupu I ā wīwī, ka tupu I ā wāwā'
This kōrero is an excerpt of a longer kōrero from tupuna Ihenga. It talks of the resilience of his people in the face of adversity and that they will endure to flourish in today's world. Pourewa native nursery is helping develop and embed the cultural and environmental resilience of our hapū and rohe through the recloaking of Papatūānuku with native plants grown there and through the mahi of our people.
The nursery development at Pourewa was completed in June 2020. The activities on-site continue to develop and are actively creating an ongoing legacy in the development of aTāmaki plant collection and supply, as well as the collaboration with other native nurseries in the development of a seed bank of Tāmaki-specific species. These collections help support Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei in our role as key educators, carriers and guardians of knowledge and inform our leadership in research initiatives around kaitiakitanga, traditional use and practices.
We supply a range of native plants eco-sourced from Tāmaki to our central and local government development partners, and are also open to sales to private groups and the general public. For more information or to place an order by emailing Pourewa@nwo.iwi.nz.

Ōrākei Hapori Parakore Project
Ōrākei Community Zero Waste Project
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei has been has been awarded funding from Te Pūtea Whakamauru Para -Waste Minimisation Fund (WMF) 2021 funding round for our Ōrākei Hapori Parakore (Ōrākei Community Zero Waste) project.
The parakore kaupapa has been an important one for Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei for more than 20 years. The zero waste commitment has been a tikanga on Ōrākei Marae and a commitment embedded in kaupapa and events held on the Whenua Rangatira. Over 2022 we will be building on all the hard mahi whānau and our community have given to this kaupapa to take it to the next level. Get in touch to get on the parakore waka with us.

Learn more about the Ōrākei Hapori Parakore Project
- Supported with $80,000 funding from Te Pūtea Whakamauru Para -Waste Minimisation Fund (80% of project costs) we will be running a 1-year data and awareness project on waste reduction within our rohe.
- Our objectives are to engage with whānau and our community around waste and maximise job creation.
- Building on what has been done, we will collect data through waste audits, surveys, workshops and wānanga
- We will raise awareness through workshops and the development of an organisational waste strategy.
- Key outcomes will be improved data and practical resources to inform effective behaviour change.
- Overall, this project will follow the mahi already in place through the marae, continuing to increase awareness around reducing waste, circular thinking, and the benefits of composting and urban gardening.
The purpose of Te Pūtea Whakamauru Para –the Waste Minimisation Fund (WMF) is to boost New Zealand’s performance in waste minimisation. The WMF invests in infrastructure, services, and educational activity throughout New Zealand. The fund is enabled through the waste disposal levy. There is considerable scope in New Zealand to reduce waste and increase the recovery of useful resources from waste. Lifting our performance in recovering economic value from waste also provides environmental, social and cultural benefits and reduces the risks of harm from waste.
More information about the fund can be found on the Ministry for the Environment website – https://environment.govt.nz/what-you-can-do/funding/waste-minimisation-fund/ -
Ko Maungakiekie te maunga
Ko Waitematā te Moana
Ko Māhuhu-ki-te-Rangi te waka
Ko Ngāti Whātua te iwi
Ko Eruini raua ko Piu Piu ōku tūpuna
Ko Dawn Rongo Hawke tōku māmā
Ko Maurice John Faiers ahau
Kia Ora e te whānau, I’m super excited to be a part of this awesome project, I’m enthusiastic about composting and believe in reuse, reduce and repurpose. I have been working at Pourewa for the past two years looking after the composting initiatives for the iwi, with a focus on regenerating green waste into a usable energy source for the Māra kai. I look forward to the planned events and engaging with whānau and sharing some new initiatives.
Ngā mihi nui, Maurice John
Ōrākei Gold Bees - Learn More
Ōrākei Gold Bees Established in 2017 Ōrākei gold is a proudly 100% Māori owned and operated beekeeping business specialising in multi-floral raw honey (unpasteurised) our two beekeepers Levi and Ephraim raise and care for each of our hives situated on a 125-hectare piece of land here in Ōrākei, we also have our own extraction and packing plant to guarantee a genuine hive to jar product for our customers. -
Email Us to Purchase Ōrākei Gold
To learn more, purchase or make an enquiry on our Ōrākei Gold Honey please contact the team - pourewa@nwo.iwi.nz -
Landscaping in Tāmaki - Get in Touch
Landscaping Throughout Wynard Quarter, Quay St. and the waterfront you will find gardens that were installed and are currently maintained by Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei. The gardens aim to feature Tamaki Makaurau's beautiful native plants and enhance the natural environment in the city. The gardens exhibit Whatua's ahi kaa - keeping the home fires burning. To learn more or to make an enquiry, please contact the team - pourewa@nwo.iwi.nz -
Eastern Bays Songbird Project - Learn More
We have partnered with the The Songbird project to bring back native bird song to pest free Eastern Bays. Visit their page for more information - https://www.facebook.com/songbird.org.nz
Volunteer today at Pourewa!
Get in touch hereGet in touch with the team to see how you and your whānau or community group can get involved - pourewa@nwo.iwi.nz