Whānau Navigation Services
The Whai Māia Whānau Navigation Service is whānau led, whānau centric, consent driven and based on a holistic process of engagement, assessment and planning that ensures whānau are the leaders of their own hauora journey. It is a mana enhancing service that provides advocacy, support, guidance, and awhi to enable whānau to navigate services, agencies and resources to help them achieve their goals and aspirations (i.e. housing, finances, employment, relationships, health and more).

Our Purpose
Our purpose is to support whānau who are often overwhelmed or disempowered to determine what success is to them – encouraging them to develop their own solutions and build their capacity and resilience, so they can fully realise the confidence, mana and belief in self, whānau, and community.
We are a collective of specialist navigators and social workers who assist whānau in accessing integrated care, services, and support in areas such as health, education, housing, employment, improved standards of living and cultural identity. Building on the strengths and capabilities of whānau and wrapping the necessary services and support around them to get better outcomes and create positive changes.
Our Services
Below is a list of the services offered through Whānau Navigation Services
Our kaiarahi will support whānau to complete a holistic assessment and plan with whānau. They will walk alongside the whanau to help them achieve their moemoea supporting whānau to remove barriers and improve access to services and resources.
Referral criteria:
- Uri anywhere within Tamaki Makaurau
- Community in CBD and some parts of East Auckland
To enquire please click here
A service delivered by Te Pūriri o Te Ora, Regional Cancer and Blood Services, Te Toka Tumai Auckland, in partnership with Ngāti Whātua Health Limited (Whai Māia).
Our Navigators (Kaiurungi) tautoko patients on their cancer journey with Te Pūriri o Te ora and their whānau in the community.
The kaiurungi will work with whānau to remove barriers and improve access to their cancer appointments and treatments. They will look at practical steps to support whānau on their cancer journey such as transport to appointments and addressing other social needs that may be further impacting whānau from healing.
Referral criteria:
- Whānau Māori receiving cancer treatment with Te Puriri o Te Ora services at Auckland hospital.
Referrals do come directly through Te Puriri o Te Ora but if you require awhi, please click here
Our service provides support to whānau with rheumatic fever. Our kaiawhina will walk alongside the whanau to identify needs and health and wellbeing aspirations, and co-design patient led, and whanau driven solutions to their life complexities, with the goal of improved chronic condition management.
Referral criteria
- Whānau living with the impacts of Rheumatic fever needing some support within Tamaki Makaurau
Referrals come from various health and community providers, but self-referrals will be considered.
To enquire please click here
Our Hauora kaiawhina supports whānau experiencing health issues impacting their daily living.
Our kaiawahina will take a holistic approach to work with whānau around their hauora, they will complete an assessment and plan that is whanau-led, provide advocacy for you withinthe health spaces and aim to support you with a plan that will improve wellbeing.
Referral criteria
- Uri - anywhere with Tamaki Makaurau
- Community - Auckland central region
To enquire please click here
Te Kaupapa is a new service aimed to support whānau experiencing mild to moderate mental health or addiction.
It uses modes of Te Ao Māori to promote hauora and healing. It is a journey of reclamation. Our Mataora will complete an assessment, develop a plan with whānau and wānanga to ensure whānau are the designers of their own ora journey.
It is a mana enhancing kaupapa that provides the strategies and tools to enable whānau to embrace their authenticity and navigate their Ao. We are here to design a program for whānau, by whānau, to arrive at their desired destination.
Referral Criteria:
- Uri - anywhere in Tamaki Makaurau
- Community - in CBD and some parts of East Auckland
To enquire please click here