Whātua Rangi

E rere taku manu aute ki ngā rangi kia purea ai e ngā hau o Tāwhirimātea
Join us for a whānau fun day and help fill the skies with colourful kites!
There will be kai available to purchase or bring along your own picnic. Join in on all the arts and crafts, fun for the whole whānau or watch the awesome kites fill the sky with colour.
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei will be handing out free kites to fly and enjoy throughout the day and at home with your whānau.
Whātua Rangi - Kite Day
Te rā: Saturday 6th July, 2023
Te wā: 10:00am to 3:00pm
Wāhi: Takaparawhau, Ōrākei Marae
Public parking will be available along Tāmaki Drive and other surrounding roads. We have a shuttle bus transporting people up and down Hapimana Street (Michael J. Savage Memorial) for those who park along the waterfront area who have young children or older whānau members, and do not wish to walk.
We encourage those attending to use this service and park along Tāmaki Drive as parking is limited around our whenua for local residents.