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In-Person Event
Te Ahurei o Ngāti Whātua

October 26 @ 9:00 AM - 6:30 PM
Ngāti Whātua
E whakarite, kia rite, whakarite!!
9 karaka hei te Mane, 29 o Āperira 2024
- If you thought the previous iwi ahurei was fantastic, the next is looking amazing!!
- 12 spaces will be available for rōpu to register to perform at Te Ahurei o Ngāti Whātua.
- There are four compulsory items.
- The new haka pōhiri, mōteatea and waiata-a-ringa will be available soon on our haka app, the haka Tāwhaki is already on the app, no doubt practices will be called soon.
- To register your rōpu, you must meet this criteria:
a) Me ngākau whakaute tō kapa ki a Ngāti Whātua me Te Roroa. Your kapa are respectful to Ngāti Whātua and Te Roroa.
b) Your kapa reside between Maunganui ki Tāmaki.
c) Your kapa must representative of a hapū, marae or a kura
d) There are no age restriction
e) Minimum amount in a rōpu is 30, there is no maximum
f) The kapa will dress tidy and appropriate
Registrations will close at 5pm on Friday, 31 May. Stay locked on to our social media platforms for more information.