Trust Board
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Te Whāinga
The Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Trust is the governing entity, with the purpose to receive, administer and protect the Trust’s assets to ensure the cultural, social and commercial development of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei for the benefit of its members.
It is the responsibility of the Trust to demonstrate strong leadership for our hapū through good governance, transparent decision-making and, working together with our subsidiaries Whai Māia Limited and Whai Rawa Limited, on behalf of our people.
Strategic priorities developed through our mahi, are underpinned by our mātāpono, the values that help ground us to tikanga Māori, and guided by the vision – “Kia rere arorangi te kāhu pokere ki ngā taumata tiketike”.
Structure and Subsidiaries

He aha te mea nui o te ao? Mākū e kī atu, he tangata, he tangata, he tangata.
Ōrākei Marae is at the heart of our hapū and connects us through whakapapa as uri o Tuperiri. Steeped in its rich culture and history, Ōrākei marae remains the primary hub for the hapū.
As the governing body, the responsibility of the Trust is to lead and manaaki the 'group'. The Group' is comprised of three (3) entities; Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Trust, Whai Māia Limited and Whai Rawa Limited.
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Trust; has two wholly owned subsidiary companies. These subsidiaries have their own boards of governance with a mix of whānau and independent directors. All subsidiary board members are appointed by the Trust.
Our subsidiary Board members are highly skilled individuals who we have chosen to represent Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei to develop our overall objectives.
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Whai Māia Limited; is a charitable trust, responsible for the social and cultural development of our people. The main areas of focus are Employment and Education, Health and Wellbeing, Arts and Culture, Toki Taiao, and managing key relationships. Whai Māia take priority in building the capacity of our people, so they are able to take control of their own destiny.
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Whai Rawa Limited; is the property development and investment company. The principal objective of Whai Rawa is to maximise the financial or economic returns of the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei group. The funds generated by Whai Rawa are used to support the tribal development goals of Whai Māia in education, health and employment, with the purpose of supporting Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei whānau for generations to come.
Meet the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Trust Elected Representatives
Marama Royal
ChairMarama has been a Director since 2O1O and served as Chair since December 2O17. Marama has extensive experience in strategic planning, relationship management, leadership, governance, and organisational change. She is passionate about achieving positive outcomes for whānau, especially our kaumātua.
Ngarimu Blair
Deputy ChairNgarimu is the Deputy Chair, Chair of the Settlement Protection Team and the Trust’s appointee to Whai Rawa Limited. He was elected to the Trust in 2OO6 and is active across many kaupapa. He is passionate about Auckland tribal histories and kaitiakitanga.
Precious Clark
Precious is in her second term on the trust, and previously serviced 10 years on the board of Whai Rawa. Precious is the Chief Executive of Maurea, an organisation that is using Māori culture to drive Aotearoa forward. The Te Kaa Māori cultural competency training programme has won accolades from some of New Zealand’s biggest businesses. Precious is passionate about our reo, tikanga, education, housing and financial success and brings her networks, energy and extensive governance experience to our board in support of whānau success.
Renata Blair
Renata is member of Te Reu Roa and a member of the Treaty Protection Committee. He is a Council member for AUT University, a Trustee for Eden Park Trust and is General Manager Māori Business at BNZ. Rēnata is committed to Te Reo Māori and upholding our tikanga and kawa. He has wide business, financial and commercial experience to ensure we continue to remain an economic powerhouse in Tāmaki Makau Rau.
Graham Tipene
Graham Tipene is a Tā Moko artist who has been involved as a consultant and key artist on civic and Council-led projects throughout Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland. His public work brings Māori kaupapa into the built environment of the city, with major projects including the Waterview tunnel, Victoria Park, Auckland Library, and Tirohanga Whānui Bridge in Albany.
Sharon Hawke
Sharon was first elected in 2010. She sits on the Whai Maia Board as the trust representative. She enjoys the governance challenges of post settlement and witnessing our tribal development in this new phase of self-determination. She has whanau first and foremost in her deliberation at the table.
Arekatera Maihi
After his first term as a Trustee it has been very rewarding, and he is proud to have been a part of decisions that have created opportunities for whānau to learn, live and work as Ngāti Whātua Ōrakei.
While we have achieved a lot, there is always more to do and he is fully committed to continuing to serve the Iwi . His strengths are perpetuating Ngāti Whatua Orakei arts and culture and presenting a grassroots whakaaro.
Tama Davis
Tama brings with him a wealth of knowledge in governing large health and education organisations, previously ADHB, and now Comprehensive Care PHO, Emerge Aotearoa, Auckland Hospital Foundation and Iwi Māori Partnership Board. He is the Executive Director Lead Maori for the Research and Development arm of Waipapa Taumata Rau/University of Auckland. Tama’s passion is about using his networks and expertise to bring collaborative gains and positive impact for the iwi. Tama runs Ahikaroa Enterprises which provides Kaupapa Māori supervision, Te Tiriti and Māori Health Models trainings and cultural audits. Tama is also a whānau director on the Whai Māia board, that contributes to positive social impact outcomes for ngā uri o Tuperiri.
Roi Teua
In her inaugural term on the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Trust Board, Roi has spent many years working for the iwi as well as in the private sector with Māori Business’. She has since completed a language fluency diploma in Rūmaki Reo at Te Wānanga Takiura. Roi aspires to persistently contribute to the advancement of our iwi, hapū, and populace, with a steadfast commitment to fostering lasting benefits for future generations, while nurturing the commitments made by our whānau and Tūpuna who have paved the way.
Trust Governance Materials
Read our Governance Materials below or visit our Governance Materials webpage here, for more.
Read the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Group Annual Plan for the financial year July 1 2024 - June 30 2025
Read more about the Trust Deed
Read more about the Trust Constitution
Read more about Trust Governance
Read more about our policies in the tabs below
Read more about our Health and Safety Policy
Read more about our Term of Reference in the tabs below
Read more about our Strategic Plan in the tabs below

Ngā Mātāpono
Tino Rangatiratanga
Kia tū a Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei i runga i tōna anō tino rangatiratanga.
Self-determination: We are self-reliant as Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei, now, and forever.
Kia whakaatu, kia whakatinana i te mana motuhake me te rangatiratanga puta noa i te hapū.
Leadership: To live and practice positive leadership throughout the hapū.
Kia tiakina ō tātou whānau, ō tātou whenua, ā tātou taonga me ā tātou rawa mō ake tonu atu.
Guardianship: To protect our people, our lands, our resources and our toanga forever.
Kia kitea te mana me te tapu o ia kāwai heke i heke iho ai i a Tuperiri, hei rangitāmiro tātou i a tātou.
Kinship: To embrace and acknowledge the importance of our whakapapa and relationships, and, how these bind us together.
Manaakitanga: Ko te whānau kei te pokapū o ngā kaupapa whakawhanake i te iwi. Mā roto i tā mātou tū tangata whenua ki Te Kahu Tōpuni o Tuperiri, e rongo ai te katoa i te rau manaaki o te iwi nei.
Care and Hospitality: Whānau are the core focus of hapū development. Our host responsibility to others will positively reflect our role as tangata whanua.
Kia kotahi te tū, kia kotahi te hoe.
Unity: Stand as one and work together.
Mana Taurite
Kia taurite te whai wāhi atu o ngā uri o Tuperiri, ki ngā painga me ngā aheinga o te ao.
Equity: All hapū members have equal access to benefits and opportunities.
Ahi Kā
Kia kōwhiuwhiutia tonutia te ahi kā, kei pūrēhua, ā, ka kewa: Ka pūmau ki te hiranga o te papakāinga ki Ōrākei, me tōna noho ki te taone nui o Tāmaki Makaurau.
Keeping the home fires burning: To uphold the unique and important role that Ōrākei papakāinga maintains across Tāmaki Makaurau.